My experience with
My experience with using to make my personal site and why I ended up switching to Ghost.

中文版/Chinese version -
I started using notion to organize my life in May 2021. I really liked the default layouts of notion and wanted my website to look just like it.
TLDR: tried out, ended up switching to Ghost
The pros - #nocode
Using notion + makes setting up a pretty site incredibly easy.
All you have to do is:
- Get a personal domain. I got mine from Google Domains for $12/yr.
- Follow this 5 steps guide from hostnotion to set up a public link sharable notion page and set up DNS settings on your domain registrar. I actually did not have to setup forwarding with Google Domains, so it was only 4 steps.
Setting up - minor hiccup with Google Domains + hostnotion
The only problem I ran into was setting up Google Domains with
I eventually figured it out. Google Domains was throwing an error since I was playing around with Google Sites. I had to remove the cname linking to the sample Google site and update the CNAME for hostnotion.

The cons
I ended up not using hostnotion and switching to Ghost because of 2 reasons:
- hostnotion had a slow load time - every time I went to visit my website, it would happen in 2 steps.

- hostnotion went down for a few hours the first day I signed up 😟

Follow my future posts to see how I made this simple site with Ghost.